Sunday, December 16, 2007

Episode #10, #11, & Finale

Well... I almost completed my plan of commenting on every episode individually... and I almost made it. My recent Call has taken some time. Anyway, I will jump right to tonight's finale episode.


  1. I didn't like Amanda choice on only taking Todd in the reward challange. I would have taken none but probably two and then voted off the one I didn't take. You knew Courtney and Denise would talk while they were gone.
  2. I wondered the wisdom in telling Todd you didn't trust him.
  3. Does anyone else hate that remembrence walk?
  4. Can I say it: SHUT UP JEFF!
  5. Who else was pulling for Denise in that final immunity challange?
  6. If I'm Amanda... I vote Todd off because I can out talk Courtney and Denise.
  7. Denise got herself voted off when she talked about Amanda "having her back."
  8. Congrats Denise!
  9. Way to freak out, Amanda, after tribal council, because you made the WRONG decision on who to keep.
  10. Does anyone else HATE those stupid speeches they make.
  11. I think that was the first time I heard someone apologize ahead of time in their entry speech.
  12. Jean-Robert had one of the longest questions ever!
  13. Was the jury drunk?
  14. Did anyone get the feeling that Amanda was quickly sinking everytime she talked? She should of kept Denise!
  15. That was one of the lamest question and answer sessions I have seen.
  16. May be this should be a rule: Don't tell a member of the jury that someone else deserves a million dollars.
  17. They need to get jury members with higher IQ's.
  18. Did Denise dress down for the final jury session?
  19. Do people actually go into Survivor thinking that they or other people will not lie? If so, again we need higher IQ's.
  20. Before they vote: I say Todd wins.
  21. AND I was right!
  22. What was up with the fashion statement Courtney and Todd were trying to make
  23. Congrats to Kim E. & Gail G. for winning!
Well fans! That is it. I do need to still get some $$$ from a couple of people! Then I will mail out winnings. Surivor 16: Top Secret Location has currently been filming from Oct. through mid-December. I will let everyone know about the Feb. 2008 pool.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Episode #9

"Backdoor Special"

Wow... I gotta say that that was one of the best backdoor vote-offs I have ever seen. James didn't have a CLUE! Normally someone leaks some info, but not even Denise or anyone gave him a hint. I know some people might say that he was stupid not to play one of the idols, but he (and I) woulda thunk that he would have had some idea.

Besides that... here are my thoughts.
  1. Cool reward challenge. Although I wish they would have voted another person off instead.
  2. Denise gets to go along and practice some kung fu... did you see that one dude bleeding from his head. Too cool for me.
  3. Over/Under 75 lbs on Courtney's weight.
  4. I liked how no one got out of the cave when they came home. Peih-Gee is such a needy person.
  5. Enough of the Adam and Eve analogy from James already. That didn't work out well for them and it didn't for James either.
  6. I liked the immunity challenge. I was surprised Courtney could even get it to the board. James was just off from hitting the 5 pointer too.
  7. Does anyone else wonder why they keep blurring out Amanda's rear... is it a pull your pants up or down deal.
  8. I think that if it was me I would have like to wait one more time to vote James out... although I suppose he then uses the immunity idols next time. It looks like the next episode will feature Denise as the swing vote. Could be bad for favorite Amanda, thus her downgraded status, if she chose the wrong side.
  9. I know I said it before, but MAN... what a blindside.
  10. I have no reason to say this, but $20 says they have a car or food challenge next time. We will see.

Top 5:
5. Courtney (only because I have to)
4. Denise (you didn't believe she was #5, but wait, she is #4)
3. Amanda
2. Erik
1. Todd

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Give the group your picks. I thought this would be pretty cool to do.

Episode #8

Sorry it took me so long to post, but last Thursday I had a voter's meeting and didn't get to watch it until last night. Luckily for me they had that dumb mid-season recap show on Thursday. I did actually watch a little of it since it was on in the background, and they did save some stuff for that show. But anyway, here are some random thoughts from Episode #8.

  1. Well... we now have Rule #4 of Survivor: Never get involved romantically... it never works! Frosti and Courtney were quite a strange couple. I think we had a new term coined also: "Survivor Boyfriend".
  2. The reward challenge was pretty interesting. I didn't quite get why James had the big drum, you would have thought that Eric and he could have done it without Denise of Phei-Gee.
  3. Phei-Gee... Please stop talking. James is getting close to that too. I think he is feeling very comfortable in his position.
  4. So if it was Christmas with Jean-Robert gone, then it is soon gonna be New Year's when Courtney gets voted off.
  5. Can it be that the male flight attendant is emerging as one of the strongest players? Nice plan on breaking up Frosti and Courtney.
  6. The reward was pretty cool, some of them almost broke an earlier Survivor rule not to over indulge in alcohol.
  7. I loved the immunity challenge. I think it is always great to call out the people who think they are safe. Seriously, James should have been the only one over there.
  8. Did James really eat 7 hamburgers in 5 minutes...
  9. No Comment
  10. No Comment (I had to get 10 thoughts in)

Now, my top 5.
5. Denise (I have to mention her sometime)
4. Eric
3. Amanda
2. James (Two immunity idols, is he ever gonna get to play them)
1. Todd (Believe it or not)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Episode #7

"The Merge"

Some random thoughts:
  1. Amazing how the gay flight attendant has become the defacto leader of the strong tribe (insert hand signal now)

  2. Courtney is bugging me, she needs to gain some weight. Thank goodness she got some food and why did her voice get so high dogs could only hear it.

  3. I can't believe Jamie looked in James's pants for the immunity idol.

  4. Todd and Amanda have the game figured out, they do need Jean-Robert.

  5. Rule #2 of Survivor: Don't DRINK ALCHOHOL! (yes, you heard that from me)

  6. I want to see James twist his legs behind his head

  7. Rule #3 of Survivor: No Racial jokes. Nice comment Jean-Robert.

  8. Don't they usually pick a new tribe name that has some cultural significance, not Black Rhino so something.

  9. I called the quiz for the immunity challenge!!!!! WOO-HOO. Go me.

  10. No gloating if your person wins the immunity necklace... I'm told, you will still have to do the chilcken dance at the wedding or else Frosti's dance.

  11. I sure hope Jamie plays the wrong immunity idol!!!

  12. Don't do it Frosti, don't do it! Don't flip flop, that will get you voted off

  13. For the record, Jaime, you are NOT Jessica Simpson, and you are as dumb as you look.

  14. Why does Jean-Robert keep hammering Courtney.

  15. Are they all turning in to Meerkats? At first I thought it was just Todd, then Jaime, then Courtney, now all of them.

  16. She DID play the wrong immunity idol... HAH! James just about fell off his chair.

  17. Can't wait until PG is voted off next week.

Top 5:
5. Amanda
4. Todd
3. James
2. Frosti
1. Eric

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Episode #6

Sorry for the long delay in posting. Last week was teacher's conference so I was gone on Thursday night and didn't get a chance to watch until Saturday.

So, here is what I have:
  1. I have to say the thing that surprised me the most was Todd's emergence as a leader in the game. I think Amanda could make him cry, but his plan with James was pretty brilliant. Good for James, though, that his team started to try because they are at a huge advantage when they merge.

  2. Nice try by PG to tell Sherea that they were still with them. Thank goodness no one listened to them. I still dislike them.

  3. What a fiasco with the immunity idol. It will be interesting to see what James does at camp when he gets back.

  4. Nice challenge, wouldn't you have thought that the school lunch lady could have eaten anything. I think that those duck fetuses looked like the chicken dog nuggets we had today.

  5. Memo to self: When on Survivor, don't shower in the buff.

  6. Jean-Robert is growing on me, I didn't like how Sherea was acting at the end. Good riddens.

Now, my top 5
5. Amanda
4. Todd
3. James
2. Frosti
1. Eric

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Episode #5

"People are Stupid!!!"

Random thoughts: For the record, I'm angry right now.
  1. Erik, is China really the Garden of Eden minus the fruit? And does being a virgin help? All wierd.
  2. Did James say Denise was attractive? Been digging too many graves I think.
  3. Did the Zhan Hu tribe really think they were just going to get to keep two people from the other tribe? Idiots.
  4. Interesting twit that really threw the balance of power for a loop. I don't think I like it.
  5. Jean-Robert is annoying.
  6. That switch really helped Sherea and Frosti.
  8. Pehi-Gee and Jamie are morons.
  9. Ranking of Survivors I hate.
    1. ______________ (Remember, I can't utter his name)
    2. Jamie
    3. Phei-Gee
  10. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm too mad to do rankings tonight. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That show torked my doober.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Episode #4

Interesting episode tonight... I gotta say that I still think they need to get these guys some clothes because I'm sick of seeing things blurred out. Here are some thoughts on tonight's episode.
  1. Would you mess with Sherea?
  2. I would like to see Sherea and James go head to head in one of these challenges... odds anyone?
  3. Way to go Jean-Robert pulling the Manderin Chinese out of the bag.
  4. Dave is a dork.
  5. The school lunch lady is funny. "Just pull the chicken nuggets out and serve 'em"
  6. That immunity challenge was a little corny. I don't know if I would have stepped in front of something James threw.
  7. I'm sick of the animated things in the challenge.
  8. I guess if you get kidnapped you get voted off... interesting.
  9. Dave's tribe will die without him.
  10. Todd moved up into my rankings with Dave giving him the clue to the immunity idol.

AND NOW... My Rankings.
5. Frosti
4. Todd
3. Amanda
2. Eric
1. Aaron

See everyone next week.

Episode #3

I was on location for episode #3 last week as Cathy had one of those woman-pyramid-scheme-parties. Well, it didn't work out too well for me since my Jesus freak chick, Leslie, was voted off the island. So here are some random shots at the episode.
  1. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for Christianity (obviously), but when you go to play a GAME where the goal is to try and stick around as long as you can, you just can't be alienating your team Leslie... I wonder how she plays cards or a board game where she has to deceive her opponents. Oh well.
  2. I never saw anyone argue over one measly crab... my goodness, they are a lot more work then they are worth.
  3. For all the trouble Jean-Robert is, he sure does come through in challenges, but I also think he is the next to go.
  4. Why didn't Leslie just say, "Hey! I like the guys on the other team better than you oafs (sp?)" That would have been just as bad as saying the guys are her team weren't Christians.
  5. Courtney has to get something to eat, she looks like an Auschwitz survivor right now. I thought she would be better off using the Force to break those ropes. I think James, on the other had, just about cut the pole in half. Like I told Sue F. at recess today, James and I are alike, oh wait, he's black and I'm white.

Well, after tonight's episode I hope to have the first of my handicapping done. Have fun all!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Episode #2

Well fans... all I can say is that someone told me a good idea. Let's have Survivor: Belfast. Well, I guess it is a good idea because I would have better beer at my premier party. I think, though, that the Protestant and Catholic tribes might not like the challenges. Rule #1: If you get killed in the cross fire, you are out.

ANYWAY... another good episode. Here are some random shots.
1. I can't stand Dave.
2. Jean-Robert is an idiot. Although he did do very well in the immunity gigantic-mud-ball-human-soccer game. That was a pretty cool game. James, though, could have taken on the other tribe 1 on 6 and still won.
3. The mud soccer game is another reason they should have been given proper fitting atire. I haven't seen that much blurring since my stye in my eye.
4. My religious zealot Leslie is also very stupid. Hasn't she memorized enough of the bible to last 39 days? She then is given a clue on the immunity idol because she is the weakest and the TELLS SOMEONE!
5. I really don't see the Dave-tribe winning anymore, Jean-Robert and James offer way too much strength and I think they have some brains.
6. I like the twist of kidnapping someone and then they have to give that clue to someone. Nice job CBS.
7. The rain is cool, although it just can't be that hard to build a shelter.
8-10. I just don't think I have much else.

After next week I might post my top 5 to win. Remember last year that I had Earl in that original top 5, albeit at #5, but he quickly made it to the top of my list.

So long to Lizzie K. and Kathy G. At least it wasn't the first time you guys have played. I sure thought Ashley had more time. Such is the game. I've been thinking about instituting a $6 entrance fee and then giving that extra $1 to the first person voted off. I'll have to give it more thought.

So long for now! Keep on Survivin'

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Episode #1

Well... an interesting premier episode for several reasons.

  1. I forgot to tape it for the party. Thanks to Wuf for backing me up. I was a little busy this week, but we still had a good gathering.
  2. I had pressed duck for the first time with our $70 Chinese food order, not bad... I also enjoyed the crab rangoon.
  3. Chinese beer, of which I bought a case, isn't really that good.

Now for my thoughts on the survivors.

  • I always hate when I get someone new in the pool and then they get voted out right away. Sorry Jenny (and Dan for that matter) for randomly drafting Chicken for you. I think he got a little bit of a raw deal, but that is the problem when you try not to give your opinion and it shows. Almost played the game too much.
  • I knew that having the Christian Radio Talk Show host was going to be a liability since they always prey on those people trying to play the game. But her leaving the Budhist ceremony was a little overboard, I almost thought she was WELS for a moment. You never like your person getting called out by Jeff in an impromptu Q&A session in the begining there.
  • James is a large, large, large man.
  • The weather will be interesting this year, seems like there will be a lot of rain.
  • I hate the seasons where they don't let them have at least a well chosen piece of clothing. It is going to be rough if Denise and Sherea don't get a little help.
  • I think one of the immunity or reward challenges should be to run the length of the Great Wall of China. It could be a relay I suppose.
  • Now I know that I have never been on the show, but don't these people watch it. Someone needs to figure out how to build a shelter. Unreal they wallow around and can't build one.
  • I think that Ashley has proven that WWE wrestlers aren't real athletes.
  • Jean-Robert, I've seen him play poker, he thinks way to highly of himself and isn't going to make it that far.

Well, that is about it. I don't begin handicapping till at least week 3 and then I will begin my top 5 to win. They are promising us a wet and wild mud wrestling challenge next week. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Well boys and girls… Survivor has listed who the survivors are, and lets just say that it is interesting.

You have a school lunch lady, a gravedigger, professional poker player, good looking Christian radio talk show host, chicken farmer (and his name is Chicken, no lie), professional WWE female wrestler, and other weirdos… this should be an interesting season.

If you haven’t signed up, drop me an e-mail. If you had and you live in the area you are invited to the September 21st party… that is right, on Friday. The trick is to hear nothing on Friday during the day.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mark Your Calenders - Sept. 20th!

Get out the buffs… dust of that immunity idol… and sit down and take immunity for a free truck and then TAKE IT BACK (I’m a still a little upset that ___________ did that)… It is time for the next installment of Survivor, location: China. And you know what that means: another round of Rob’s Survivor Pool! You are getting this e-mail because you have either played in the past, told me you wanted to be included, or I thought you might like an invite.

Basic info:

  1. Again this year Instead of weekly (hopefully again) e-mails, I will keep you updated through my Survivor Pool Blog! Just check here to keep up with who you have, who is left, and what I thought about the previous episode (and if you have paid or not – Thanks to Roger for paying for Survivor this past week, that is right… almost 1 year late)
  2. This year there will again be room for an unlimited number of people. The payouts will be on a 70%-20%-10% payout. Our resident statistical guru (minus the NCAA one), Dave K., has created a nice spreadsheet to figure everything out. If you would like to dissect the intricacies of his math, I can send you the sheet. Otherwise, just trust that he is much smarter in this area than you.
  3. Tell your friends, let them know. It would be great to have 36 people this year (or two full groups).


  1. $5 – MAIL IT IN ASAP.
  2. You will be assigned a RANDOM Survivor fully supervised by the St. John’s faculty lunch table.
  3. If your person gets voted off the island, so do you.

SO… what next:

  1. Please respond with your desire to play via e-mail.
  2. Mail your $$$ to me (Address Available Upon Request)
  3. Check the website for updates and to see who your survivor is!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Fall Survivor

Well fans, I just saw today on the CBS website that Survivor is going to be part of their fall schedule, 7:00 pm on Thursday nights. Gather your friends, warn your neighbors, and put your kids to bed because its time! This one will be easy to cook for because Survivor is going to CHINA!

Friday, May 18, 2007


I just wanted to let everyone know that I sent checks off this week... $75 to last year's winner Julia (John, you don't get it and you know why). $52.50 to our two winners and $22.50 to 2nd/3rd place winners. Dave made me a slick worksheet to make paying out easier next time, so I will use that and let you guys know when the next SURVIVOR pool is going. Thanks!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Finale! - Episode #14

Well boys and girls… I’m a loser, you don’t need to tell me. I dropped the ball… things got a little busy here and I fold under the pressure of Survivor. Sorry guys, I will try better next time. SO here is the recap.

Episode #9
Well… I liked the twist of picking teams after the merge. Unfortunately, Michelle got the short end of the stick in drawing a team without her alliance. Earl adjusts nicely by bringing in Dreamz to the alliance as a Benedict Arnold.

Episode #10
In probably the most scrambling I have ever seen before a vote and Dreamz playing traitor, the “Four Horseman” (PLEASE STOP USING THAT NICKNAME – Rule #5 of reality TV, don’t use it – it never works!) get played and Edgardo goes home. Too bad, I kinda liked him.

Episode #11
Mookie had it coming, he wasn’t much of a strategic player. From admitting that he had the immunity idol to Dreamz to his overall play, I wasn’t impressed.

Episode #12
In the tradition of strong young guys not winning Alex just couldn’t stick around. A valiant effort, but not enough. I think I have learned another valuable Survivor lesson… don’t align yourself with the strong young jocks (of which I am no longer a member- sorry ladies). Take the smart guys!

Episode #13
In what I will rank as one of the top plays in Survivor history, Yau-Man senses the ax and plays his immunity idol. Poor Stacy gets voted off after that.

All I have to say is Yau-Man is one cool customer. Facing immunity Yau-Man comes through in a tough immunity challenge. What a great win! But boy, he is way to nice. There is no way I would have brought Dreamz and Cassandra back into the alliance.

Tribal Council #1 – Nice try Boo… good rationale, it just didn’t work!

Can I say that I hate the stupid recap where they remember the people they axed and say nice things about them and then burn some boat etc…

Tribal Council #2 - Come on!!!! Please Jeff… stop playing up Dreamz keeping his word… “He’s kept up half the bargain!!!” Ahhhh. I think Jeff talked Dreamz out of doing it. WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!! DREAMZ IS AN IDIOT! WHAT A GREEDY GUY! HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVES!!!!!! I really can’t express my anger at him for that. Never will I utter his name in Survivor lore. He just gave the million to Earl, what a dork. That was absolutely the biggest backstab in Survivor history…

You can tell Gervis knew he made a bad decision. He couldn’t shut up!!! I love how guilty people always want approval of their actions. AHHHHH!

BTW, I did not need to know that Cassandra gave up the grundies three weeks ago.

Again, a brutal examination of the three left. __________ got pummeled… Earl looked cool… Lisi played the part of Survivor #1 “a man named Sue”. Lisi proved how much of an idiot she was. Wait, she is more of one that _______________. What a liar _______________ is!!!! He killed himself with Yau-Man’s question.

Congrats Earl!!! He made it from the poor tribe to the winner. Congrats to Amy Mehnert for her year 1 win… I have no congrats for Kevin, because AGAIN he didn’t know if he wanted to play… last year second, this year champ. Congrats guys.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Episode #7 & #8

Sorry everyone for the lack of posts... I was out of town for episode #7 and it actually got erased from my Tivo, so the little recap at the beginning of last Thursday's episode was all I got. I do have to say, though, that thank goodness Rocky is gone. I couldn't put up with him much more.

As for Episode #8... Joe, you got your wish. For those of you who didn't know, Joe disliked Lisi so much (even though she was his survivor) that he wanted to see her voted off. I do have to say that I won't miss her whinning. She was bound to have a nervous breakdown sooner rather than later.

On another note, this co-owning of the immunity idols sure doesn't seem like it is going to work for me. Now the Earl and Yau-Man combo might work, both of them seem a little more level headed. But the Mookie, Alex, Edgardo combo just ain't gonna work if you ask me. I sure hope someone finds Yau-Man's immunity idol and then we have three of them played at some tribal council. Imagine playing it and hearing from Jeff, "Ahh, that ain't the immunity idol..." DOH!

Well fans, sounds like we have another good twist next week. I have an updated top 5 below:

5. Yau-Man
4. Mookie
3. Edgardo
2. Alex
1. Earl

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Episode #6

So here are the random thoughts for the week:
1. The change was good for Cassandra, Yau-Man, and Earl... not so good for Anthony, and Rocky for that matter.
2. Isn't it great that Rock-Paper-Scissors is good for almost anything, may be they should try it at nuclear talks.
3. The switch-up really changes my thoughts on who could win.
4. Why didn't they pick up the crabs instead of beat them to death.
5. Praise the almighty survivor gods... they FINALLY CAUGHT A FISH!
6. Rocky is not an intelligent man.
7. Nice immunity challenge, that was a pretty cool game. Hard to believe it got that physical.
8. I think Rocky might go postal if he loses another challenge.
9. Poor Anthony.
10. Admit it, your curious how Lisi will fit in.

That is it boys and girls... have a good week and we will see you then. We are soon to get to a merge and the jury.

Updated Handicap Rankings:
5. Stacy
4. 'Dre
3. Earl
2. Alex
1. Edgardo

Thursday, March 15, 2007

This Week

For all of you non-NCAA Tournament fans, you may not know that there is no Survivor tonight (unless, of course, you watched the compilation show last night I imagine)... We will see everyone back here next Wednesday as, I believe, that is the next new Survivor.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Episode #5

Well... you can understand why I might be a little behind and this post might be short.

A) We can now stop all talk of this pool being fixed... Rita had no reason to be voted off.
B) I forgot what happened because of all the basketball on besides:
1. The previews for next time look good... that is the only reason I'm keeping 'Dre up in my handicapping.
2. Rocky is an idiot - he should have been voted off.
3. Moto could erupt as a tribe anytime.
4. I can't believe there hasn't been a girl to take a place in my top 5...
5. WHY HASN'T ANYONE CAUGHT A FISH!?!?! - yes, it is bothering me.
6. And... that is about all I remember.
C) All of my mental energy is going to thinking about my NCAA bracket.

So, that's it... keep on survivin' - and we had more live participation at the Chateau Dusseau for the episode, next time: "real" martinis... I guess I mis-advertised foo foo martinis for real ones.

Updated Handicap Rankings:
5. Dre’
4. Earl
3. Boo
2. Edgardo
1. Alex

By the way, I changed it so you don't have to be a registered user to comment... sorry guys!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Episode #4

So I am now formulating my survivor rules (for when I get on the show)… I’m sure I’ll formulate more later. Feel free to comment with your own rules.
- Rule #1 – Shut Up (Rocky broke this rule early on in the show)
- Rule #2 – now called the Anthony rule: Don’t Cry. There is no crying in Survivor.
- Rule #3 (preliminary rule) – Let the loud mouth talk themselves out of the game.

Now for the random the thoughts:
Rocky may not like Anthony, but he is going to get himself kicked off by being an obnoxious loud mouth.

I wonder what that king bed is going to look like after a couple days.

I think the only way Ravu is going to win is if Moto gains too much weight and is too fat to run a challenge. (adjusted comment: I guess not)

Gary, what can you say, he gave it his all, but he just didn’t have it. He makes three people to ever have to call the medical team and quit. Can you name the other two?

Did Rocky pull a Richard Hatch? Or did he lose it?

So Anthony got relegated to the cage… that has to hurt – that is usually a spot for the ladies.

No one could swim like Ozzy this year, huh, instead they all swam like Gervais.

Nice comeback by Ravu in the immunity challenge.

WHHHOAAA… nice twist Survivor People!!! I like it! I don’t know if I agree with the decision, but wow that is a supremely confident decision to do that.

Was that snake molting?

I have a new category: Survivors that need to make it to the merge to win. Dre’ & Anthony.

Sorry Lilliana owners… she didn’t deserve to go.

See you next week, Keep on Survivin!

Updated Handicap Rankings:
5. Dre’
4. Earl
3. Boo
2. Alex
1. Edgardo

P.S. – Remember, everyone is invited to attend our (two of us) Survivor viewings on Thursdays…

Friday, February 23, 2007

Episode #3

So I got back from an enjoyable two nights of “learning” at Teacher’s Conference today. I didn’t watch last night because I was busy studying, but today I watched. So here are my random thoughts:

1. Was that game a traditional Fijian game? Interesting… boy, Sylvia was BAD, and Michelle wasn’t much better...

2. Rita needs a new swimsuit, hasn’t she ever watched survivor before?

3. Admit it, you wanted to Yau-Man to beat Dreamz’ (He isn’t in shape, huh?)

4. Why hasn’t anyone caught any fish?

5. Rocky just about killed himself trying to swallow that giant clam.

6. No one has really emerged with a strong alliance or strategy, I find that strange.

7. PIG SNOUTS… wow, if any of you remember Tom from Africa, he wouldn’t have had any problem with those. Gary was a machine, even with the broken rib from that big fall.

8. Ravu is in chaos, the littlest things get people voted off… Erica because she was intense and Anthony because he didn’t eat a peanut worm… weird tribe.

9. Sylvia needs to keep the #1 rule of Survivor in mind: SHUT UP!

10. Where did the Earl vote come from? Do we have another random voting...

11. It’s not looking too good for Gary “Papa Smurf” next week… so don’t feel too bad Anthony owners, you got two weeks.

Updated Handicapping: Sorry, no girls this week, but I’ve got my eye on a few (for handicapping purposes, Rog)
5. Boo (If he doesn’t kill himself)
4. Dre’
3. Earl
2. Alex
1. Edgardo

Sorry… John, I didn't even get full enjoyment of knowing you had Sylvia until the end...

P.S. – I don’t want to see Anthony ‘au natural’.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Episode #2

SO I have a few thoughts and musings on tonights episode.

1. I was thinking back to the glory days of the first Surivor: Borneo and how this Survivor is a parallel... here are my thoughts. I think that Dreamz' is Gervis's twin - basketball coach v. cheerleading coach. I think that Lisi is a man named Sue's twin. Anyone else see the deja vu here?

2. Sylvia escapes the ax. Too bad for Erica, I was thinking about handicapping her as a top 3 candidate. By the way, I think that Sue F.'s hair would look like Erica's when put in the humid zone like Fiji? Any thoughts friends?

3. So what about Boo... don't give that guy a power tool.

4. Sue and I (Again, others ARE allowed to join us for Thursday nights) tried a new martini tonight. Pretty good.

5. I have to say that Ravu doesn't like it will have any in the top 3 candidates if they keep losing. Even their leaders will get voted off after a merge.

6. So here are my top 3 candidates to win.
3 - Earl - level headed, nice guy, smart guy - in this case "Earl doesn't ahve to die..."
2 - Alex - I just like the guy
1 - Edgardo - I don't know, he is flying under the radar at the moment.

Please remember these picks are after week 2, so if I'm wrong I'll claim it was too early, but if I'm right I'm a genius.

Looks like someone gets hurt next week. I'm guessing Boo, how about You?

Keep on Survivin'

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Conspiracy Theorists

I think that I need to rebutt all of you so called conspiracy theorists out there who think that I fix the participants. NOT TRUE! If we could all gather together to draft survivors I would, but that just ain't happenin'. Next time I will be publishing the date and time of the drawing, may be even have a little webcast for those of you out there so those who want proof can have it.

BTW, Sue, I got Dr. Vanillacuddys for Episode #2 (all those interested in attending a Rob viewing of Survivor please let me know)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Episode #1

Well... in true Rob fashion I am late to post for an episode. Oh well... bad habits are hard to break. For those of you who haven't read my notes in the past... they are just mindless ramblings- hopefully funny.

Episode #1 - An interesting start to the game as one survivor quits before even getting on the boat. What a loser. A nice adjustment by the survivor people in choosing teams though. It should be a nice twist this year that there are two immunity idols and we know at least one of them is back at camp. I don't know if I like the "Apprentice-like" addition of switching camps.

Tough luck for Dave and Jeff as Jessica can't untie the knot on the challenge and that sends her home. I was worried that Rita might be on the block.

A little to early to handicap the field, but I do have to say that Rocky and Dreamz' look like easy targets for being loud and annoying... or do they play the dominant part of Boston Rob and Shane in previous episodes. No Tom this time, although Yau-man looks like he could survive on rice and water for six years. Man, opening a coconut with your bare hands... try that at the grocery store.

Well, that is all for episode one. I hope to have a handicapped field after episode #2.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Today is the Day!

That's right fans... today is the day for the premier of Survivor: Fiji. Plant yourself in front of that TV and check to see if you have another Tom (no complaints please) or another Wanda (bring 'em). I have e-mailed everyone their Survivors. I hope to post them also here.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

T-minus 11 days

Well fans... T-minus 11 days until Feb. 8th and the Survivor:Fiji premier. We are still looking for players. We have 20 currently and can handle an unlimited number. If you've got some friends (which some of you do and some of you don't) let them know. I have included a finances section so I can keep track of who has paid and who hasn't, not that I don't trust any of you, but I have gone on the merit system in the past.

The drawing of survivors will take place in about a week or so... I will have them posted before the start of the show.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Survivor: Fiji - February 8, 2006

Get out the buffs… dust of that immunity idol… and sit down and try to make fire (hopefully it doesn’t take you more than an hour)… It is time for the next installment of Survivor - location: Fiji. And you know what that means: another round of Rob’s Survivor Pool! If you've made it here, you are ready to go. Check back regularly for updates and to see who you have and who is gone!

Friday, January 5, 2007

Welcome to Rob's Survivor Blog!

Hello Survivor Fans...

I know I've sent e-mails out in the past for those of you who have participated in my Survivor pools updating you on progress. I've created this blog as a place where you can stay updated with your RANDOMLY chosen Survivor.

I plan on sending out an e-mail inviting participants when we find out the time of the next Survivor: TOP SECRET LOCATION...

Until then... keep on Survivin'