Saturday, February 21, 2009

Episode #1-2

So fans... this season should be interesting. This new way of picking should be interesting. We also have a first, someone was voted off before the game began. I have to throw John B. under the bus and say, "WHY DID YOU PICK CAROLINA? SHE WAS GONE LICKETY SPLIT!" It does look like I could be splitting the pot numerous ways if certain people win.

Oh well, Episode #2 was interesting. A lot of hidden immunity idols sitting around. Some strong personalities. Coach, Candace, Taj, Sandy... there should be some fireworks.

I will say that I'm glad they gave them their swim suits early... not as much blurring out necessary.

Obviously some of the Survivors have not read my rules to the game. Many of them are talking themselves right out of the game.

NICE blindside on Candace.

Like I have said several times, I can invite anyone who would like to post on this blog. I invited Wuf, but she has yet to respond.

Everyone, except John of course, is left... good luck all!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Survivor: Tocantins (Brazil)

So here are the new rules. Since they will be voting off two people tomorrow night before they even start the show, I didn’t want Rog complaining about getting some old chick so I have decided to modify things.

Here goes:
- Watch tomorrow night, Feb. 12th.
- $5 to enter
- Pick the Survivor who you think will win.
- The winnings will go to the winner(s) alone!
- If no one wins, money rolls over to the next season.

So if you are interested, e-mail me by next Thursday, Feb. 19th with your pick and send your $5 in.

Survivor: Gabon Payouts

So here are the payouts for Survivor: Gabon according the KSPPM

1. Cathy D / Joe T - $49.41
2. Allison S - $14.12
3. Ben T. - $7.06
Carrie C. (Last) - $24

Sunday, December 14, 2008


First of all… the finale started LATE?!?!?! What was CBS thinking? I hope no one got hurt with the recording of it.

Didn’t Kenny look like the Cobra Kai guys from the Karate Kid movie? BOB! HOLY COW! What an IMMUNITY MACHINE! Can you say goodbye Kenny.

How can Kenny feel safe after what happened to Crystal? He must not be that smart. Why wouldn’t they vote him off? I’m baffled.

Way to go BOB! Way to make Kenny look stupid. Way to expose the weasel. NICE! I really grew to dislike Kenny.

You have to like the memory walk… best quote: Randy – “It’s OK to like people.” Ya think.

Sugar, come on… you ain’t building a house of cards like that. Bob should easily win this. I would so dominate this challenge. How about just staking them all flat? Shouldn’t someone just stop building when they get to 7 or 8 feet? I can not believe how utterly bad Bob was at that. Susie… way to go! Bob is gone I bet.

Man… people just want to keep Bob. Unreal. Matty has to be really confused right now. Sugar just killed herself.

To this day I don’t understand why people are still so angry once they are on the jury…did they really think they were going to be the only one to win?

Jury Questions:
Charlie: What the heck was that question to Bob.
Crystal: An angry woman… Way to be honest Sugar.
Kenny: Still playing the whiner… my guess, his dating life might be easier, if he stops playing video games.
Corinne: Holy cow… that a Man Named Sueish. Way to insult her dead father.
Marcus: Again, how can you ridicule people for their ethics in a game that necessitates being a liar.
Randy: I thought he thought it was OK to like people.
Matty: I wonder what his question got him?

My prediction before the vote… I’m truly baffled, I would like to see Bob win, but I can see Sugar winning too… may be even Susie. She didn’t make a good enough case that riding coat tails is a strategy.

Episode #10 & #11

So I have been a little behind on watching Survivors now that I had a regular monthly meeting moved to Thursday nights once a month and then Thanksgiving, etc… again, another reason for other people to be able to post next season. Cathy and I went through a marathon session of Survivor tonight.

Episode #10 (Sunday, 4 PM)

Pretty much an uneventful episode… I thought the reward challenge was pretty benign. Way to go Bob, tearing up the challenges.

Bob had a pretty cool power play with another fake immunity idol. It almost worked too! I think Kenny might have made a fatal error, he is getting a little cocky I think.

Top 3
3. Bob
2. Matty
1. Kenny

Episode #11 (Sunday, 8 PM)
Bob is a MACHINE! A pretty cool reward this episode. It just has to be demoralizing to not win those if you are Matty or someone else. I think that might drive me nuts.

Nice outfits for the gorilla park. The gorillas were cool, but Bob lost me there on the evolutionary talk.

Bob is turning into a juggernaut! Safe at tribal council again, it should be interesting to see if he honors his promise to the weasel (Kenny).

I just love how people break down mentally in the end. Sugar is just melting down with remorse.

THAT WAS A GREAT TRIBAL COUNCIL! Holy Cow! Crystal was ready to rip someone’s arms off and beat them to death with them!

Top 3
3c. Susie
3b. Kenny
3a. Sugar
2. Matty
1. Bob

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode #9

So where in the world do you begin with that episode.

I think that was a top 3, if not, the number 1 episode in Survivor history. Not since a man named Sue unloaded on Richard in the first Survivor have I laughed so hard at the fall of someone else. Unfortunately it was my man, Randy. I guess if you can't win its best to go down in a blaze of glory.

I do have to say that Sugar acted like a not real nice person. She is getting pretty arrogant and her fall will be hard also. I think that was the most vocal tribal council ever. Randy just wanted to pick up his torch and burn everybody to death. He is an angry, angry man...

That is all for tonight. Congrats to Bob for actually making the fake idol work. That is the most action any idol has gotten in the past two or three years.

Top 5
5. Crystal
4. Sugar
3. Bob
2. Kenny
1. Matty

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Episode #8

Well, I'm back reacting to the episodes.

Does this season seem like a few more twists and turns than normal. They have really switched things up which in a way I like. It keeps the sides from developing too strongly and then it becoming a numbers game. So instead of random thoughts, here my thoughts on each player.

Crystal - She hasn't been as physically imposing as I thought she would be. Recently she has quieted down which helps her.
Suzie - No chance. Did she just win immunity tonight?
Randy - He had a chance when he kept his mouth shut but he just can't do it. He did have a couple good challenges though.
Ken - Is he gaining confidence? May be coming out of his apartement and not playing video games 24/7 would help. He won't be able to sustain the good luck.
Sugar - I didn't think she would backstab Ace, but I liked it. She has proven to be a little tougher although not smarter.
Bob - Mr. Physics. He just hangs in there. The merge really helped him and what a nice fake immunity idol. Eliza would have liked that one.
Corrine - She has it out for Suzie. Too emotional probably.
Matty - The strongest remaining player (besides Crystal). He will probably get picked off because of physical strength. He is kind of annoying too.
Charlie - He's hard to stomach. Now that Marcus is gone he's done. BTW, I wrote this before the end of the show!

Amazing how everyone is a like a praying mantis ready to eat their mate...

Top 5
5. Sugar
4. Bob
3. Randy
2. Ken
1. Matty