Sunday, December 14, 2008

Episode #10 & #11

So I have been a little behind on watching Survivors now that I had a regular monthly meeting moved to Thursday nights once a month and then Thanksgiving, etc… again, another reason for other people to be able to post next season. Cathy and I went through a marathon session of Survivor tonight.

Episode #10 (Sunday, 4 PM)

Pretty much an uneventful episode… I thought the reward challenge was pretty benign. Way to go Bob, tearing up the challenges.

Bob had a pretty cool power play with another fake immunity idol. It almost worked too! I think Kenny might have made a fatal error, he is getting a little cocky I think.

Top 3
3. Bob
2. Matty
1. Kenny

Episode #11 (Sunday, 8 PM)
Bob is a MACHINE! A pretty cool reward this episode. It just has to be demoralizing to not win those if you are Matty or someone else. I think that might drive me nuts.

Nice outfits for the gorilla park. The gorillas were cool, but Bob lost me there on the evolutionary talk.

Bob is turning into a juggernaut! Safe at tribal council again, it should be interesting to see if he honors his promise to the weasel (Kenny).

I just love how people break down mentally in the end. Sugar is just melting down with remorse.

THAT WAS A GREAT TRIBAL COUNCIL! Holy Cow! Crystal was ready to rip someone’s arms off and beat them to death with them!

Top 3
3c. Susie
3b. Kenny
3a. Sugar
2. Matty
1. Bob

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