Friday, May 18, 2007


I just wanted to let everyone know that I sent checks off this week... $75 to last year's winner Julia (John, you don't get it and you know why). $52.50 to our two winners and $22.50 to 2nd/3rd place winners. Dave made me a slick worksheet to make paying out easier next time, so I will use that and let you guys know when the next SURVIVOR pool is going. Thanks!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Finale! - Episode #14

Well boys and girls… I’m a loser, you don’t need to tell me. I dropped the ball… things got a little busy here and I fold under the pressure of Survivor. Sorry guys, I will try better next time. SO here is the recap.

Episode #9
Well… I liked the twist of picking teams after the merge. Unfortunately, Michelle got the short end of the stick in drawing a team without her alliance. Earl adjusts nicely by bringing in Dreamz to the alliance as a Benedict Arnold.

Episode #10
In probably the most scrambling I have ever seen before a vote and Dreamz playing traitor, the “Four Horseman” (PLEASE STOP USING THAT NICKNAME – Rule #5 of reality TV, don’t use it – it never works!) get played and Edgardo goes home. Too bad, I kinda liked him.

Episode #11
Mookie had it coming, he wasn’t much of a strategic player. From admitting that he had the immunity idol to Dreamz to his overall play, I wasn’t impressed.

Episode #12
In the tradition of strong young guys not winning Alex just couldn’t stick around. A valiant effort, but not enough. I think I have learned another valuable Survivor lesson… don’t align yourself with the strong young jocks (of which I am no longer a member- sorry ladies). Take the smart guys!

Episode #13
In what I will rank as one of the top plays in Survivor history, Yau-Man senses the ax and plays his immunity idol. Poor Stacy gets voted off after that.

All I have to say is Yau-Man is one cool customer. Facing immunity Yau-Man comes through in a tough immunity challenge. What a great win! But boy, he is way to nice. There is no way I would have brought Dreamz and Cassandra back into the alliance.

Tribal Council #1 – Nice try Boo… good rationale, it just didn’t work!

Can I say that I hate the stupid recap where they remember the people they axed and say nice things about them and then burn some boat etc…

Tribal Council #2 - Come on!!!! Please Jeff… stop playing up Dreamz keeping his word… “He’s kept up half the bargain!!!” Ahhhh. I think Jeff talked Dreamz out of doing it. WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!! DREAMZ IS AN IDIOT! WHAT A GREEDY GUY! HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVES!!!!!! I really can’t express my anger at him for that. Never will I utter his name in Survivor lore. He just gave the million to Earl, what a dork. That was absolutely the biggest backstab in Survivor history…

You can tell Gervis knew he made a bad decision. He couldn’t shut up!!! I love how guilty people always want approval of their actions. AHHHHH!

BTW, I did not need to know that Cassandra gave up the grundies three weeks ago.

Again, a brutal examination of the three left. __________ got pummeled… Earl looked cool… Lisi played the part of Survivor #1 “a man named Sue”. Lisi proved how much of an idiot she was. Wait, she is more of one that _______________. What a liar _______________ is!!!! He killed himself with Yau-Man’s question.

Congrats Earl!!! He made it from the poor tribe to the winner. Congrats to Amy Mehnert for her year 1 win… I have no congrats for Kevin, because AGAIN he didn’t know if he wanted to play… last year second, this year champ. Congrats guys.