Monday, May 14, 2007

Finale! - Episode #14

Well boys and girls… I’m a loser, you don’t need to tell me. I dropped the ball… things got a little busy here and I fold under the pressure of Survivor. Sorry guys, I will try better next time. SO here is the recap.

Episode #9
Well… I liked the twist of picking teams after the merge. Unfortunately, Michelle got the short end of the stick in drawing a team without her alliance. Earl adjusts nicely by bringing in Dreamz to the alliance as a Benedict Arnold.

Episode #10
In probably the most scrambling I have ever seen before a vote and Dreamz playing traitor, the “Four Horseman” (PLEASE STOP USING THAT NICKNAME – Rule #5 of reality TV, don’t use it – it never works!) get played and Edgardo goes home. Too bad, I kinda liked him.

Episode #11
Mookie had it coming, he wasn’t much of a strategic player. From admitting that he had the immunity idol to Dreamz to his overall play, I wasn’t impressed.

Episode #12
In the tradition of strong young guys not winning Alex just couldn’t stick around. A valiant effort, but not enough. I think I have learned another valuable Survivor lesson… don’t align yourself with the strong young jocks (of which I am no longer a member- sorry ladies). Take the smart guys!

Episode #13
In what I will rank as one of the top plays in Survivor history, Yau-Man senses the ax and plays his immunity idol. Poor Stacy gets voted off after that.

All I have to say is Yau-Man is one cool customer. Facing immunity Yau-Man comes through in a tough immunity challenge. What a great win! But boy, he is way to nice. There is no way I would have brought Dreamz and Cassandra back into the alliance.

Tribal Council #1 – Nice try Boo… good rationale, it just didn’t work!

Can I say that I hate the stupid recap where they remember the people they axed and say nice things about them and then burn some boat etc…

Tribal Council #2 - Come on!!!! Please Jeff… stop playing up Dreamz keeping his word… “He’s kept up half the bargain!!!” Ahhhh. I think Jeff talked Dreamz out of doing it. WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!! DREAMZ IS AN IDIOT! WHAT A GREEDY GUY! HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVES!!!!!! I really can’t express my anger at him for that. Never will I utter his name in Survivor lore. He just gave the million to Earl, what a dork. That was absolutely the biggest backstab in Survivor history…

You can tell Gervis knew he made a bad decision. He couldn’t shut up!!! I love how guilty people always want approval of their actions. AHHHHH!

BTW, I did not need to know that Cassandra gave up the grundies three weeks ago.

Again, a brutal examination of the three left. __________ got pummeled… Earl looked cool… Lisi played the part of Survivor #1 “a man named Sue”. Lisi proved how much of an idiot she was. Wait, she is more of one that _______________. What a liar _______________ is!!!! He killed himself with Yau-Man’s question.

Congrats Earl!!! He made it from the poor tribe to the winner. Congrats to Amy Mehnert for her year 1 win… I have no congrats for Kevin, because AGAIN he didn’t know if he wanted to play… last year second, this year champ. Congrats guys.

1 comment:

Sharon Bauer said...

OK, so Kevin did just laugh when I told him he won. But hey, at least one of us won so we can play again next year (I might as well just take 2 people next time since I'm the only one watching the shows!)...or maybe I'll just keep using Kevin's name since he does seem to have some sort of odd luck with this game.

I was really proud of Yau and so close to winning with him. Really didn't think he'd have a chance of making it as far as he did when he really didn't have any strength for the challenges. But he played it well! I think he could have actually won that last immunity challenge and outlasted Dreamz on that hanging bar if he knew Dreamz would renig on his promise. He gave up when he saw it was just him and Dreamz. I still can't believe Dreamz kept the truck though. The least he could do is give that back! I was shocked, after all the talk about being a man of his word, that he kept it. Ah well, just a game I guess.