Sunday, April 8, 2007

Episode #7 & #8

Sorry everyone for the lack of posts... I was out of town for episode #7 and it actually got erased from my Tivo, so the little recap at the beginning of last Thursday's episode was all I got. I do have to say, though, that thank goodness Rocky is gone. I couldn't put up with him much more.

As for Episode #8... Joe, you got your wish. For those of you who didn't know, Joe disliked Lisi so much (even though she was his survivor) that he wanted to see her voted off. I do have to say that I won't miss her whinning. She was bound to have a nervous breakdown sooner rather than later.

On another note, this co-owning of the immunity idols sure doesn't seem like it is going to work for me. Now the Earl and Yau-Man combo might work, both of them seem a little more level headed. But the Mookie, Alex, Edgardo combo just ain't gonna work if you ask me. I sure hope someone finds Yau-Man's immunity idol and then we have three of them played at some tribal council. Imagine playing it and hearing from Jeff, "Ahh, that ain't the immunity idol..." DOH!

Well fans, sounds like we have another good twist next week. I have an updated top 5 below:

5. Yau-Man
4. Mookie
3. Edgardo
2. Alex
1. Earl

1 comment:

Sharon Bauer said...

Isn't Stacey still in it? She seems to be AWOL from your list.

You're also slacking off on blogging, Rob. I think three of your 9 are now gone as of May 7th.