Sunday, December 14, 2008


First of all… the finale started LATE?!?!?! What was CBS thinking? I hope no one got hurt with the recording of it.

Didn’t Kenny look like the Cobra Kai guys from the Karate Kid movie? BOB! HOLY COW! What an IMMUNITY MACHINE! Can you say goodbye Kenny.

How can Kenny feel safe after what happened to Crystal? He must not be that smart. Why wouldn’t they vote him off? I’m baffled.

Way to go BOB! Way to make Kenny look stupid. Way to expose the weasel. NICE! I really grew to dislike Kenny.

You have to like the memory walk… best quote: Randy – “It’s OK to like people.” Ya think.

Sugar, come on… you ain’t building a house of cards like that. Bob should easily win this. I would so dominate this challenge. How about just staking them all flat? Shouldn’t someone just stop building when they get to 7 or 8 feet? I can not believe how utterly bad Bob was at that. Susie… way to go! Bob is gone I bet.

Man… people just want to keep Bob. Unreal. Matty has to be really confused right now. Sugar just killed herself.

To this day I don’t understand why people are still so angry once they are on the jury…did they really think they were going to be the only one to win?

Jury Questions:
Charlie: What the heck was that question to Bob.
Crystal: An angry woman… Way to be honest Sugar.
Kenny: Still playing the whiner… my guess, his dating life might be easier, if he stops playing video games.
Corinne: Holy cow… that a Man Named Sueish. Way to insult her dead father.
Marcus: Again, how can you ridicule people for their ethics in a game that necessitates being a liar.
Randy: I thought he thought it was OK to like people.
Matty: I wonder what his question got him?

My prediction before the vote… I’m truly baffled, I would like to see Bob win, but I can see Sugar winning too… may be even Susie. She didn’t make a good enough case that riding coat tails is a strategy.


Life Is Good said...

I watched it live and hate all of you who don't because then I can't comment with you when I call. However, I was a big wimp and should have come to your house. It didn't freeze until later. My loss. See you Wed. in Kenosha to see the lights?

Rob said...

You are a wuss, and why do I want to see lights?