Thursday, March 1, 2007

Episode #4

So I am now formulating my survivor rules (for when I get on the show)… I’m sure I’ll formulate more later. Feel free to comment with your own rules.
- Rule #1 – Shut Up (Rocky broke this rule early on in the show)
- Rule #2 – now called the Anthony rule: Don’t Cry. There is no crying in Survivor.
- Rule #3 (preliminary rule) – Let the loud mouth talk themselves out of the game.

Now for the random the thoughts:
Rocky may not like Anthony, but he is going to get himself kicked off by being an obnoxious loud mouth.

I wonder what that king bed is going to look like after a couple days.

I think the only way Ravu is going to win is if Moto gains too much weight and is too fat to run a challenge. (adjusted comment: I guess not)

Gary, what can you say, he gave it his all, but he just didn’t have it. He makes three people to ever have to call the medical team and quit. Can you name the other two?

Did Rocky pull a Richard Hatch? Or did he lose it?

So Anthony got relegated to the cage… that has to hurt – that is usually a spot for the ladies.

No one could swim like Ozzy this year, huh, instead they all swam like Gervais.

Nice comeback by Ravu in the immunity challenge.

WHHHOAAA… nice twist Survivor People!!! I like it! I don’t know if I agree with the decision, but wow that is a supremely confident decision to do that.

Was that snake molting?

I have a new category: Survivors that need to make it to the merge to win. Dre’ & Anthony.

Sorry Lilliana owners… she didn’t deserve to go.

See you next week, Keep on Survivin!

Updated Handicap Rankings:
5. Dre’
4. Earl
3. Boo
2. Alex
1. Edgardo

P.S. – Remember, everyone is invited to attend our (two of us) Survivor viewings on Thursdays…

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