Friday, February 23, 2007

Episode #3

So I got back from an enjoyable two nights of “learning” at Teacher’s Conference today. I didn’t watch last night because I was busy studying, but today I watched. So here are my random thoughts:

1. Was that game a traditional Fijian game? Interesting… boy, Sylvia was BAD, and Michelle wasn’t much better...

2. Rita needs a new swimsuit, hasn’t she ever watched survivor before?

3. Admit it, you wanted to Yau-Man to beat Dreamz’ (He isn’t in shape, huh?)

4. Why hasn’t anyone caught any fish?

5. Rocky just about killed himself trying to swallow that giant clam.

6. No one has really emerged with a strong alliance or strategy, I find that strange.

7. PIG SNOUTS… wow, if any of you remember Tom from Africa, he wouldn’t have had any problem with those. Gary was a machine, even with the broken rib from that big fall.

8. Ravu is in chaos, the littlest things get people voted off… Erica because she was intense and Anthony because he didn’t eat a peanut worm… weird tribe.

9. Sylvia needs to keep the #1 rule of Survivor in mind: SHUT UP!

10. Where did the Earl vote come from? Do we have another random voting...

11. It’s not looking too good for Gary “Papa Smurf” next week… so don’t feel too bad Anthony owners, you got two weeks.

Updated Handicapping: Sorry, no girls this week, but I’ve got my eye on a few (for handicapping purposes, Rog)
5. Boo (If he doesn’t kill himself)
4. Dre’
3. Earl
2. Alex
1. Edgardo

Sorry… John, I didn't even get full enjoyment of knowing you had Sylvia until the end...

P.S. – I don’t want to see Anthony ‘au natural’.

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