Saturday, September 29, 2007

Episode #2

Well fans... all I can say is that someone told me a good idea. Let's have Survivor: Belfast. Well, I guess it is a good idea because I would have better beer at my premier party. I think, though, that the Protestant and Catholic tribes might not like the challenges. Rule #1: If you get killed in the cross fire, you are out.

ANYWAY... another good episode. Here are some random shots.
1. I can't stand Dave.
2. Jean-Robert is an idiot. Although he did do very well in the immunity gigantic-mud-ball-human-soccer game. That was a pretty cool game. James, though, could have taken on the other tribe 1 on 6 and still won.
3. The mud soccer game is another reason they should have been given proper fitting atire. I haven't seen that much blurring since my stye in my eye.
4. My religious zealot Leslie is also very stupid. Hasn't she memorized enough of the bible to last 39 days? She then is given a clue on the immunity idol because she is the weakest and the TELLS SOMEONE!
5. I really don't see the Dave-tribe winning anymore, Jean-Robert and James offer way too much strength and I think they have some brains.
6. I like the twist of kidnapping someone and then they have to give that clue to someone. Nice job CBS.
7. The rain is cool, although it just can't be that hard to build a shelter.
8-10. I just don't think I have much else.

After next week I might post my top 5 to win. Remember last year that I had Earl in that original top 5, albeit at #5, but he quickly made it to the top of my list.

So long to Lizzie K. and Kathy G. At least it wasn't the first time you guys have played. I sure thought Ashley had more time. Such is the game. I've been thinking about instituting a $6 entrance fee and then giving that extra $1 to the first person voted off. I'll have to give it more thought.

So long for now! Keep on Survivin'

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