Monday, December 3, 2007

Episode #9

"Backdoor Special"

Wow... I gotta say that that was one of the best backdoor vote-offs I have ever seen. James didn't have a CLUE! Normally someone leaks some info, but not even Denise or anyone gave him a hint. I know some people might say that he was stupid not to play one of the idols, but he (and I) woulda thunk that he would have had some idea.

Besides that... here are my thoughts.
  1. Cool reward challenge. Although I wish they would have voted another person off instead.
  2. Denise gets to go along and practice some kung fu... did you see that one dude bleeding from his head. Too cool for me.
  3. Over/Under 75 lbs on Courtney's weight.
  4. I liked how no one got out of the cave when they came home. Peih-Gee is such a needy person.
  5. Enough of the Adam and Eve analogy from James already. That didn't work out well for them and it didn't for James either.
  6. I liked the immunity challenge. I was surprised Courtney could even get it to the board. James was just off from hitting the 5 pointer too.
  7. Does anyone else wonder why they keep blurring out Amanda's rear... is it a pull your pants up or down deal.
  8. I think that if it was me I would have like to wait one more time to vote James out... although I suppose he then uses the immunity idols next time. It looks like the next episode will feature Denise as the swing vote. Could be bad for favorite Amanda, thus her downgraded status, if she chose the wrong side.
  9. I know I said it before, but MAN... what a blindside.
  10. I have no reason to say this, but $20 says they have a car or food challenge next time. We will see.

Top 5:
5. Courtney (only because I have to)
4. Denise (you didn't believe she was #5, but wait, she is #4)
3. Amanda
2. Erik
1. Todd

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