Thursday, February 7, 2008

Episode #1

Here we go Survivor fans... I'm PUMPED! I hope you watched, because its gonna be a good one. Time for some random thoughts now...

  1. I gotta say I kinda like the Fans v. Faves.
  2. Thanks goodness they gave them swimming suits this year!
  3. So I get Gervis being a YMCA basketball coach, or __________ being a cheerleading coach, but how do you become an Ice Cream Scooper (Erik)?
  4. Joel is a big dude.
  5. Nice swimsuit Parvati!!!
  6. Did they play Chariots of Fire as Yau-Man came out?
  7. Lets all run across a pool of water in a lightning storm!
  8. Nice tackly Yau-Man, way to smash Johnny Fairplay's head into the side of the boat.
  9. Why do you start talking about another guy being gay... or about someone's implants... she is on her way out!
  10. What kind of hat is that Jonathan.
  11. I do have to agree with James, they have a better work ethic.
  12. James and Parvati, sittin' a tree, ....
  13. Is James bigger than last season?
  14. Holy cow... Kathy was cryin' on day 1... what is she gonna do when she hasn't had food for a couple days.
  15. Remember Survivor Rule #1 - Romance is Baaad.
  16. Did Yau-Man start a fire from his glasses? When I go on Survivor I'm wearing glasses no matter what.
  17. I want to see Joel go mono y mono with James.
  18. Joel kinda looks like Lou Ferrigno.
  19. Eliza just DURFFED it on that cart!
  20. I gotta say, I don't like the Fans as much.
  21. Johnny Fairplay is gonna get burned... He needed to lay low for a bit. AND he cost me $34.
  22. That acting job was baaaad.
  23. If it's your second time playing Survivor, why do you wear a dress?
  24. Wow, was that for real? Did he really mean to get voted off? I'm confused.
  25. That was anti-climactic at the end. Congrats to Ann Maria W. for her $34 win.

1 comment:

Life Is Good said...

Rob- It was fun watching with you last night. The almost falling off the cart was the highlight of my watching experience- Rob didn't find it so funny. Another comment what the heck romance already on the 1st episode how dumb can you be. I think that is James's plan to play it differently than the first time around. Not the best way to go though.