Sunday, May 11, 2008

Episode #7 - Finale

Well.... admittedly Rob was a big loser when it came to posting reactions this season... the spring Survivor time frame isn't real good for me. It doesn't help that I keep getting these Calls that take up my time. ANYWAY... I'm sure your all sobbing for me at the moment. Let me try and recap some of my thoughts from the past episodes, they may not be in order, so hopefully you can follow me.

  1. Rule # Whatever... DON'T GIVE UP THE IMMUNITY NECKLACE IDIOT! Enough said.
  2. Rule # Whatever... PLAY THE STUPID IMMUNITY IDOL IDIOTS!!! Enough said.
  3. I am still amazed to this day how personally people take getting voted off (Ozzy, Erik, etc... you are all stupid).
  4. Jeff should cut his hair for the finale.
  5. Unbelievable how many people got hurt.
  6. I hate Natalie... always did and always will. And by the way... what the HECK was her finale speach all about.
  7. I do like Cirie, I feel bad for her.
  8. Erik, Erik, Erik... I feel bad for the scooper, ice cream that is.
  9. How did Parvati win? I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm happy she won, but I don't get
  10. Well guys... my battery is running out! Please check the finances section in case I missed something and if you haven't paid me, PAY!!!!!! I will all let you know about the pool when the next one starts!

Keep on Survivin'
Survivor CHAMPION -- ROB!!!!!

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